Possible Merger with TSSA?

Possible Merger with TSSA?

There was a constructive debate at our last branch meeting where the resolution at the bottom of this post was passed. This will now be debated at the September meeting of the Scottish Regional Council, and if passed, sent to our Council of Executives.

It should be stressed that our branch supports the theory that TSSA would no longer exist and their members be part of the RMT. There never has been a need for TSSA (nor ASLEF for that matter).

However, we do not see this simply as two like minded organisations coming together(like happened with the NUS and OILC).

TSSA and RMT are miles apart in terms of traditions, democracy and politics.

It's very naive to rush into this without considering the many concerns that our members feel. Fact is, TSSA members have chosen not to be part of RMT and instead have joined a sectionalist outfit usually on the grounds that they don't want to strike. So it's not a case of the bosses dividing workers but some workers themselves choosing to belong to TSSA.

Worst still, last year TSSA members volunteered to scab against our striking Scotrial Guards and Drivers. This is one of many concerns but you can understand why our members have very strong feelings.

Also, RMT has been forging ahead with meaningful political campaigns without being affiliated to any political party. TSSA however, still cling to New Labour as if nothing has changed over the last 25 years!!

RMT is a growing union - TSSA is in decline. RMT is strong financially and busy investing in our members - TSSA is skint and cannot survive as an independent outfit.

RMT is very democratic. All of our officials are not only elected but have to get re-elected after 5 years. In TSSA - only their General Secretary (who has just announced he's taking early retirement!!) is elected. Everyone else is appointed. The members have NO say.

So there are a large number of concerns that many of our members expressed at our last branch. The main one is that there should be more open debate within the RMT. It's important our members are fully advised at every stage and that they have their say.

edinburgh & District branch has expressed our feelings as things stand. We understand that our structures, number of staff and officilas have to be all worked out if there is a transfer of engagements or merger HOWEVER we do not believe our principles have to be compromised in order to achieve this.

Please make an effort to attend future branch meetings and have your say. RMT after all, is a democratic union!!



That this Regional Council notes that it appears that recent progress has been made in relation to a possible merger with TSSA.

Our union has always believed in industrial trade unionism and as such welcomes the prospect of one sectionalist organisation coming into the RMT fold.

We also note that this merger is totally different from any previous merger we have experienced as it is with an organisation that exists as an alternative to RMT. An alternative based on a historical belief in sectionalism – grade snobbery.

Only last year, TSSA members were shamefully volunteering to scab against our striking Scotrail Guards and Drivers.

We would like to think that the driving force behind any merger is driven by a meeting of minds however we note that TSSA are in serious trouble – losing 250 members every month. They suffered a loss of just under £4 million in last two years from its central fund and they have had to increase their overdraft and take out a long term loan due to major financial difficulties.

It is therefore important that this is an honest merger where the TSSA embrace industrial trade unionism and not just a rescue package for their full time officials.

Given our strong belief in democracy, it is vitally important that our branches and Regional Councils should be fully informed at every stage about all developments leading to a possible merger or transfer of engagements.

Individual proposals should be placed in front of an SGM in order to agree a final set of proposals and options to then be placed in front of our entire membership in the form of a referendum.

In order to further our commitment to industrial trade unionism, we welcome a merger or transfer of engagements but on the strict condition that RMT makes no concession to sectionalism and our identity, democracy, and campaigning and fighting spirit is fully preserved.