Good news - our resolution regards our concerns over a possible merger with TSSA was carried UNANIMOUSLY at the Scottish Regional Council meeting.

This resolution will now be sent to our national executive body.

One of our objectives is to ensure the highest level of rank and file democracy in the RMT. That's something that we are fiercely proud of so it's good to see RMT democracy in action.

Branches and Regional Councils within our union are capable of taking the initiative and as such our views should now be taken into consideration.

If a merger is going to strengthen our union then fine - but there are many questions that need answered before we can be sure that this is the case with an organisation that was set up as an alternative to our union and has had a long inglorious history.

Perhaps it is true that their leadership has seen the light and are prepared to embrace industrial trade unionism where every single grade is of equal importance?

The more our members have a say in this matter the better for all